Flower Crochet

So. We need a hook n º 3 and cotton yarn
Dial 8 air loops and close them in the ring
1st row: 2 CTCH, 2 AM, 2 CTCH repeat 8 raz.Smenit color
2nd row: 1SBN, 3 AM, 1 sc in the arch pred.ryada.Povtorit 8 times
3rd row: 1SBN, 1VP, 3 CTCH, 1VP, 1 SBN.Povtorit 8 times, change the color
4th row: 1 sc in arch 1 series, 5 AM, 1 sc. Repeat 8 times
Row 5: 1SBN, 1VP, 4 CTCH, 1VP, 1 sc. Repeat 8 times, change the color
6th row: 1SBN RLS in the previous row, 6 AM, 1SBN.Povtorit 8 times
7th row: 1SBN, 1 EP, 5STSN, 1VP, 1 SBN.Povtorit 8 raz.Smenit color

8 row: 1 sc in the previous row, 7 AM, 1 SBN.Povtorit 8 times


Jacket with floral squares